
Basin Recreation Fieldhouse, 1388 Center Dr, Park City UT, 84089

$198.50 – Register early, price increases by $10 on May 28th

Summer 2024 starts 3-Ball Rookie Sports for 3-6 year olds. We will be hosting this FUN-tastic program at Basin Recreation Fieldhouse starting on Tuesdays June 4th or Thursdays June 6th. 3-Ball Sports is the perfect program for children who are looking to learn the fundamentals of basketball, soccer and baseball/softball. This is a 9 week program that dedicates 3 classes to each sport. Throughout the 3 week time period we will teach the rules, fundamental skills and importance of teamwork for each sport! We promote a non-competitive, FUN-damental based environment that will help prepare your “Stars” for competitive sports leagues.

We will be offering classes on Tuesdays or Thursdays, you get to choose the day that works best with your schedule! This program will kick off Tuesday June 4th or Thursday June 6th @ 5:30-6:30 and will run until Tuesday August 6th or Thursday August 8th.

In the 3-Ball Kids Sports Program, children will…
-Develop motor skills emphasized in Soccer, Basketball and Softball!
-Gain an introduction to the rules and fundamental skills of three sports.
-Build self-esteem and gain confidence.
-Learn sport skills in a non-competitive and friendly environment.
-Practice working together and build teamwork skills!
-Improve overall fitness while having FUN!

With any questions or concerns, you can contact us at (801) 891-6161 or linda@wasatchfamilyfitness.com